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Course hero pharmaceutical companies advertise for the birth control annual pill

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Updated 'Annex E: local authority reporting template: reporting point 2 – October-November 2020 spending'. 'Adult Social Care Infection Control Fund – round 2: guidance' has been updated: providers should ensure that staff who need to attend work or another location for the purposes of being vaccinated or tested for COVID-19 are paid their usual wages to do so, and any costs associated with reaching a vaccination or testing facility.

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Updated Annex E to include December 2020, renamed 'Annex E: local authority reporting template: reporting point 2 – October to December 2020 spending'. Replaced the local authority reporting template (Annex E) with an updated version. The decision to allow claims against the fund for these purposes would remain a choice for local authorities and no additional funding is being provided for these purposes." Updated document Annex E: local authority reporting template: reporting point 5 – October 2020 to February 2021 spending.Īdded paragraph to 'Adult Social Care Infection Control Fund – round 2: guidance': "On 19 February 2021, the Department clarified that funding under this allocation could also be used for reasonable administrative costs associated with (1) organising and recording the outcomes of COVID-19 tests and (2) organising COVID-19 vaccinations, where these were not being supported by other government funding streams. Updated 'Annex E: local authority reporting template: reporting point 6 – October 2020 to March 2021 spending' attachment. Added spreadsheet, 'Local authority spending of the Infection Control Fund: round 2'.Īdded note outlining that the fund is now closed and that the guidance is being left as reference.Īdded a paragraph to 'Annex D: assurance statement' on spent and unspent or recouped funds.

Course hero pharmaceutical companies advertise for the birth control annual pill